Water management constructions

YEAR 2007

Lubnik, erosion control construction

Construction of the complete flood pool including emergency weir, relocation of HV installations, greenery setting.
Volume of work ca CZK 8.0 million

Lesetinsky Stream

construction of flood controls – earth fill dam and reinforced concrete dam, gradient of stonework, construction of a new road.
Value: 14 mill. CZK

Mnisi Stream

regulation and adaptation of stream course, pavement of quarry stone, walls of face work, stone thresholds, rockfill (chinking),
value: 3 mill. CZK

RN Ramaska

complex construction if a new water reservoir,
value: 3 mill. CZK

Kreslicky Stream

complete construction of flood controls – wire and stone dams, stone dams of face work, rockfill (chinking), riprap, stream course adaptation,
value: 6 mill. CZK

HB Nelepec

flood controls – wire and stone course reinforcement, stone dams of face work,
value: 2,5 mill. CZK

YEAR 2006

Revitalization project in Dukovany flood plain

Complete construction of a new reservoir incl. emergency weir and pool, riverbed training
Volume of work ca CZK 2.5 mill. 
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HB Vavrovsky stream

Water stream training, sediment removing, training of the stream bed, facework, rockfill of quarry stone
Volume of work ca 2 mill. CZK

HB Plenkovicky stream

Water stream training, slope stabilization, rockfill of quarry stone, revegetation
Volume of work ca CZK 1 mill.

Lateral canal Vranany-Horin, repair of bank protection

repair and refilling of the backfill foot, refilling of scours and depressions in the banks, repair and extension of stone pavement, stone backfilling, new pavement of concrete embedded quarry stone, approx. 6 thousand m2
Volume of work: CZK 8 mill.

Right-hand bank of the river Ricky, km 29,000-RN, km 2,650

Construction of the complete flood pool, incl. emerg. weir, water stream training, sediment removing, riverbed training, quarry stone backfill, revegetation
Volume of work ca CZK 2 mill.

HB Flood pool Podbrdi, Podkopna Lhota

Construction of the complete flood pool
Volume of work ca CZK 4 mill.

OHB Boracsky stream

Repair of the stream bed, sediment removing, repair of the existing pavement, construction of the new stone damming
Volume of work ca CZK 3 mill.

MVN Vavrinec renovation

Renovation of the reservoir in the village, volume of work ca CZK 1 mill.

HB Lazanka in Lazany

Repair of the stream bed, repair and extension of the existing stone pavement, stream cleaning, replacement of grassing blocks, renovation of stone weir.
Volume of work: ca CZK 5 mill.

OHB Vrbovec

Oprava koryta potoka, oprava a doplneni stavajicich kamennych dlazeb, vycisteni toku,vymena zatravnovacich tvarnic, rekonstrukce kamennych splavu.
Objem praci: cca 5,0 mil. Kc 
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Revitalization of the Ponavka-Skrobarny water stream

Training of stream bed, demolition of the existing slope protection, sediment removing, concrete foot, concrete embedded quarry stone pavement.
Volume of work: ca CZK 5 mill.

HP Flood pool Fialska

Complete renovation of the pool incl. new emergency weir, training of the stream bed below dam
Volume of work ca CZK 4 mill. 
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YEAR 2005

Revitalization project Herkle Tasky

complete flood pool construction
Volume of work ca CZK 2.5 mill.

HB Polomina

water stream training, silt removing, repair of tears, slope treatment, lattice fence
Volume of work ca CZK 5 mill.

Ostravice-Frydlant, km 37,500-39,300

Renovation and raising the dam, road construction at the dam top
Volume of work: ca CZK 3 mill.

Olesna, Paskov, km 1,015-2,460

Training of stream bed, wood cutting and new plantation, lowering the gradient drop, new emergency profile
Volume of work ca CZK 2 mill.

Trebovka, Hvezda pond

Complete renovation of the reservoir, with a new dam of 30 thousand m3 area, removing of ca 60 thousand m3 of silt, concrete embedded pavement, rockfill, refurbishment of the bypass lead 
Volume of work: CZK 15 mill.

Rajecsky stream

Range of work: training of stream bed, pavement repair, stone blocks, stream bed cleaning, backfill and finish of the face.
Volume of work ca CZK 1.5 mill.

YEAR 2004

VD Mirejovice - repair of reservoirs

Drift removing, repair of tears in the Vltava riverbed, rockfill, backfill foot, concrete embedded pavement
Volume of work ca CZK 4 mill.

HB Veselsky stream

Water stream training in the municipality, sediment removing, training of stream bed, concrete embedded paving, facework, rockfill, backfill
Volume of work ca CZK 2.5 mill. 
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Flood damage - Slapy water reservoir, slope repair and stabilization

Repair of the slope protection below the Slapy reservoir, flood control measures, 10 thousand m3 of rockfill with wedging
Volume of work: CZK 6 mill.

Zablati u Osove Bitysky pond – silt removing

ORemoving of silt, repair of outlet equipment
Volume of work ca CZK 2 mill./p>

Udoli lasky pond – silt removing and repair

Removing of silt, repair of outlet equipment, repair of dam, revegetation
Volume of work ca CZK 4 mill.

YEAR 2003

Flood damage - Vrane nad Vltavou

Bringing in and laying quarry stone - backfill foot, rockfill
Volume of work: CZK 6 mill. 
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Flood damage repairs, Veltrusy

Removing drift from the river Vltava, slope stabilization with quarry stone, concrete embedded pavement, rockfill with wedging 
Volume of work: CZK 5 mill.

Flood damage - Vernirovice

Training of the stream bed-rockfill, backfill, wire-stone protection
Volume of work: CZK 3 mill. 
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Lhotsky stream

Removing drift from the stream, slope stabilization with quarry stone, construction of stabilization blocks of quarry stone, embedding grassing blocks, revegetation
Volume of work: CZK 4.5 mill.